Thursday, November 19, 2009

Winter : The Season That Fascinates Me Every Time

Passing seasons change the habits and moods of people. Yeah! It is absolutely right. Yes! It is my best-loved time of the year. This season seems like it goes by the fastest and it has more events going on during it than any other season of the year.
I love the hustle and the bustle of Christmas time (it quite obvious due to my little age). Even though we do not have lots of holidays and more days off of school. But I would like to get the essence of this season to play with the snow.

Yeah! It is also true that the snow and the cold make up the irregular winter weather. But on the other side at every morning, it is a new surprise because you do not know what the weather will be like. I love that intuitive feeling because the same thing does not happen every day. The cold is so much more comfortable for me and I do not have to worry about sedating or getting desiccated. The snow is fun and it makes beautiful scenery too!

In fact, the snow brings an endless supply of fun. My friends and I all bring our sledges to the big hills in my neighborhood. We zoom down on them and race to see who goes the fastest. Then, just as the sun goes down, we all get ready for battle. Everyone gets into position and stays hidden. The game is on. Each person scoops up snow, forms it into balls, and acts like a secret agent. We all creep up on the others to ambush them. It's fun that you can only get this time of the year.

Yeah! It is true that Christmas break is the longest break during the school year. It is a time to sleep in and relax all day long. Not going to school is the very best part. Instead of doing work all day, I get to stay home, watch TV, and play with my friends. For a couple of days, I will stay over at my grandparents' house. My grandpa always takes me to the movie theater once or twice. We enjoy getting baffled by our loving Grandma and Grandpa. When we get back, we spend our time hanging out with our friends.

God! Please bring the Winter every day!!!.

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